Join the monbento® adventure!
Lunch boxes are on-trend!
If there's one accessory we simply can't do without today, it's the lunch box! Handy in every circumstance, more and more people are using it on a daily basis, for:
- Family picnics,
- Snacks on journeys,
- Lunch at the office (1 in 2 workers takes a packed lunch in, that's 20% more than in 2021!)
- School….
The opportunity for monbento® to share in all of its users' day-to-day adventures!
A French brand above all!
From our head office in Clermont-Ferrand, France, we are proud to provide you with our lunch boxes, bottles and other reusable accessories for meals on the go.
Our signature products are crafted in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, together with trusted local partners.
Laura, our Customer Relations Officer, is also based in our offices, where she answers all our consumers' questions to give them the very best support for all their meals on the move.
Discover the brand

Long-lasting products
Quality is our priority. As such, we set significant store by the choice of our materials, to ensure that your clients can get long-lasting use out of our products and thus, together, we can turn the page on single-use products. A specific purpose and materials for each product!
Discover the online catalogueUnique designs and styles
By offering monbento® to your customers, you'll also put your stores in the spotlight with eye-catching products! Our teams keep constant tabs on the latest trends and on all our consumers' requirements so that we can bring out new products, original features and designs and colours that cater to their tastes and expectations.
Discover the online catalogue

monbento® gives you support and advice!
Suggestions regarding location in your stores, brand materials and displays for showcasing the brand on your shelves and in your store fronts or content creation for promoting the use of our products: monbento® is here to help!
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